Elizabeth C.

I first came to Debbie a year ago. My blood work indicated some kind of autoimmune disease. My doctors threw out every name in the book, not really knowing exactly what was making me feel so awful. I was pretty scared and incredibly discouraged. I felt like I had pneumonia. I could not take a deep breath and my arms and legs were always tired. I heard about Debbie through a close relative who lived in Los Angeles. I finally reached my lowest low and decided to hop on an airplane to LA and see if Debbie could possibly help me. Within 10 minutes of explaining my history and symptoms, Debbie had me full of hope. She explained her holistic approach and it made so much sense to me. She was going to treat my entire body. She was going to heal me from the inside out, and that is exactly what she has done. I would never talk anyone into this type of medicine because those who don't understand it, look at me like I am crazy. I 

am not crazy and I feel like a different human being! Within two weeks of taking my prescribed supplements, eating a very strict diet and giving up all painkillers, I was feeling remarkably better! My chest opened up and I could take a deep breath!! I was hungry all the time, but I did not care, because I could breathe! I could finally take a nice, deep breath! I was elated! As the months progressed and Debbie refined my eating habits and balanced my supplements, I only felt better and better. Now, I must admit I had some lousy weeks, but it always turned around and I continued to get stronger and healthier! My doctors were not quite sure what to make of me. After 6 months my blood work came back completely normal, my symptoms disappeared! Do you know that I have not needed an Advil or a Tylenol in over a year? I had a root canal without any pain! It's totally crazy! My skin has its glow back! My tongue is not swollen, my feet are not cold anymore, my fingers are not swollen, my nails are healthy! My diet seems very strict to most people, but I have found so many delicious foods that keep me feeling great! I will never go back to the other way of eating! My brain is sharp and my body is subtle! I am thriving and incredibly happy and optimistic!